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Term Definition

Indicates the number of scanning lines and scanning format of an image signal. 480i/576i/720i/1080i indicates 480/576/720/1080 scanning lines with interlaced format.


Indicates the number of scanning lines and scanning format of an image signal. 480p/576p/720p/1080p indicates 480/576/720/1080 scanning lines with progressive format.

4:3 L. Box (4:3 Letter Box)

A video display format option. Select this option if you connect the DVD recorder to a standard (4:3) TV, and wish to display widescreen image (16:9) in its original format.

4:3 Pan (4:3 Pan & Scan)

A video display format option. Select this option if you connect the DVD recorder to a standard (4:3) TV, and wish to display widescreen image (16:9) in full-screen format. The picture will be zoomed to fill the screen vertically with its left and right sides chopped off.

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